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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Slow motion acrobatics!

While on Holiday in Japan with my family, I dragged them to Yoyogi Park because I wanted to see if I could spot any of the infamous weirdos who come on to play on Sunday.

There were none.

It was probably because of the new year weekend, or maybe we just plain missed them, in any case, it was just a nice park with pockets of normal park going people doing normal park going things.

Then I chanced upon Daniel from Australia! Invoking my powers as a fellow tourist, I asked if I could catch him on my high speed camera...and Voila!

Anyway, if you guys have a youtube account, add me as a friend, or even better...subscribe!

1 comment:

  1. nice video... beat it....
    nanged u. nang this and Stop using Internet Explorer now!!!
