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Sunday, April 19, 2009

But... but... you're a man!

Ah, Johnny's. The Japanese talent factory that churns out an endless supply of pretty boys that can't really sing but can dance up a storm. Did I also mention they look a little feminine?

Part of the phenomenon known as yaoi, related to the one where a guy dresses like a French maid. Despite the obvious homoerotic overtones which sees them grinding on stage with each other, it's never really stopped them from having a veritable army of screaming, rabid female (not all teen/tweenage) fans.

They also endorse a brand of gum called "Rainbow Fruitia" (canned laughter here) with a white dude that looks like a dyed-in-the-wool pederast. They should've just made an ad for a fruitcake factory while they were at it (canned laughter here again).

This guy from the group and I can't be stuffed to find out his name, looks disturbingly like someone I know...


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