To be sure, this isn't an isolated phenomenon. There are a great many directors who, having proved capable of making incredible movies have gone on direct absolute stinkers. For example, Oliver Stone: Apocalypse Now to.... Alexander. Now I'd say his first mistake was casting Colin Farrell but that's a story for another time.
Back to our main story.
Big Turd in Little Cinema
Turkeys such as Big Trouble in Little China will forever live on in infamy for some of the worst dialogue and action sequences known to mankind. What were you smoking, John? Couldn't you have at least shared some with the audience to dull the pain? Starring Kurt Russell as the truck driver redneck hero, Kim Cattrall as the damsel in distress and James Hong (the eye shop guy from Blade Runner) as the villain.
We're in Hell too, Jack. And unfortunately, the answer is yes it is really happening.
Escape from Sanity
Snake Plissken is quite possibly the coolest movie hero in history. Cool enough that Hideo Kojima would copy him almost wholesale for Metal Gear's Solid Snake. After the succes of Escape from New York, Escape from L.A is conclusive proof that Isaac Newton was right all along, that what goes up must come down.
And I always thought that Bruce Campbell's deranged plastic surgeon character had a disturbing physical resemblance to Dr Woffles Wu.

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