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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Generation WTF

I'm convinced growing up in the 80s must've twisted the minds of all those who were kids then. MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, huge hairdos, shoulder pads..the list goes on. We had great music from the 80s too, and you won't find any of it here.

Okay the song is good, but you're kidding yourself if you think any other band of the 80s can beat Europe frontman Joey Tempest's "hands-in-my-pockets-while-giving-you-a-meaningful-stare" dance from Carrie


Of course my childhood response to this was: Carry! Caaaaaa-ry! Carry what?

And when all else fails, just do a montage of setting up the stage, lighter salutes, more big hair and sweeping helicopter shots. And the "swing-from-side-to-side-while-playing-galloping-triplet" dance.

No, I've yet to figure out why "We're heading for Venus" because there's sweet fuck all to do there. Also, we've wasted another ten minutes of your life. When you die and your life flashes before you, hopefully some of it will be this.

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