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Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'd buy that for a dollar

The power of advertising makes you do strange things. One moment you're getting up to go to the can during a commercial break from the 5th rerun of Die Hard and the next thing you know you're driving out to buy that brilliant new ten-gear wanking machine because the power of commercialism compelled you.

On the other hand, there's the stuff that makes you want to shoot yourself, which is what I'll be featuring here.

Wagyu's previous posts here and here were ads that either never existed or were swiftly pulled off the air due to content offensive to puritans and/or the Spanish Inquisition.

The main difference is that in his posts, the ads were actually good. The other difference being it wasn't immediately apparent what they were selling. I assure you that you'll find no such confusion below.

Let me start by presenting an example of what advertising should be. Funny, subtle and with minimal dialogue.

And so we begin...

Shouldn't Russell Crowe and Bubba be selling a crawfish burger instead? I always liked Red Rooster better at any rate.

Good looks Credit MacDaddy. Imma hit up yo used car yard now. W3rd.

Employer gullibility is a grossly underrated trait.

I wish I could get into the head of the person who thought this one up.

In the Boardroom
Exec A: Good news! We've finally managed to buy that primetime ad spot!
Exec B: Nice! So how much of the budget do we have left to film the ad?
Exec A: Uh... $2.50.
Exec B: Fuck.

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