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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

WTF Salutes Donnie Yen

Donnie Yen's star is burning particularly bright now, because of the runaway success of the Kung Fu Biopic, Yip man. And few people deserve it as much as he does, having toiled for so long in 2nd-rate Hong Kong action movies, and then stuck languishing in retarded token asian hollywood roles in the years before SPL (his first mainstream big break of the decade). Finally, the cinema going audience has learnt to appreciate his intensely wooden acting, occasionally homosexual dress sense and awesome physical prowess.

Outside his movies, Donnie Yen kicks ass as well.

For example, he destroys classical music.

He also demolishes dance floors.

Pummels strange noisy people.

Most importantly though, he really rocks some heavy metal.

You know, though it might never happen, I really feel like beating him up.


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