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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mushit Videos

The history of our species is marked from disaster to disaster. The black plague. The banana famine. The holocaust. So its no surprise to me that some of the worst disasters happened in the eighties, where it seems that good taste left for outer space and common sense had all but been spent. Thus in retrospect we salute the horrors that the massive species wide mind-fart transformed into cultural icons in those dark times.

Video of Cheese Overload

You'll definitely need an air supply after that video.

Homoerotic Metal

Did singing about going to a sauna really do anything for their heavy metal cred? Was there really a point in time when starting a music video with half naked Scandinavians working out in a gym considered rock and roll?

Talk about direct

The most ostentatious and subliminal self promotion I've ever seen. Makes me want to try it!

This is just plain disturbing

What could be right about hairy men in tights, big hair and make-up playing some heavy metal disco?

What the fuck!

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